Chapter 4 Working with Parts
© National Instruments Corporation 4-29 NI Ultiboard User Manual
Editing Parts and Shapes

Editing a Placed Part (In-Place Edit)

In-place part editing lets you add, delete, or change a part and the items that
make it up. You can add, delete, or move pads, change or move the lines
that define a part, or place new shapes or lines in the part.
Complete the following steps to use In-Place Edit on a part:
1. Select the part and choose Edit»In-Place Part Edit.
An editing window opens, showing the selected part. The window also
shows the surrounding area of the board and the other parts in a
dimmed view, which cannot be edited. In the example shown below,
the selected part U2 is bright, while the unselected parts are dimmed.
Note Refer to the Colors Tab section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for information about
changing the degree of dimming displayed on the parts that are not being edited.
2. Edit the part using the Place and Draw tools. Refer to the Toolbars
section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for more information.
3. To add a pin, choose Place»Pins. The Place Pins dialog box displays.