Chapter 2 Beginning a Design
© National Instruments Corporation 2-5 NI Ultiboard User Manual
Opening an Existing File Complete the following steps to open an existing file:
1. Choose File»Open. A standard file section dialog box appears, with
the Files of Type list defaulted to Ultiboard files.
2. In the Files of type list, choose the kind of file to open. You can open
the following:
• Ultiboard files (*.ewprj).
• Orcad files (*.max, *.llb).
• Protel files (*.pcb, *.ddb).
• Gerber files (*.g).
• DXF files (*.dxf).
• Ultiboard 4 & 5 design files (*.ddf).
• Ultiboard 4 & 5 libraries (*.l55).
• Netlist files (*.ewnet, *.net, *.nt7).
• Calay netlist files (*.net).
Note To view all files in the folder created by NI Circuit Design Suite software, and any
other software, select *.*.
3. Select a file from the list displayed and click Open. The file opens,
along with its associated project.
• If you open an Ultiboard project file, you see the designs within
that project in the Projects tab
• If you opened a .ddf file, you see the design appear in the
workspace. A file with the same name is created automatically.
Saving and Closing To save a file, right-click on the project file name in the Projects tab and,
from the context menu, choose Save or choose File»Save. Saving a file
also saves the designs in the file. You can also select a file in the Projects
tab and click the save icon. Saving a design also saves a file (and therefore
any other designs in the file).
To save a file with a new name and/or location, choose File»Save As and
provide the new name and/or location. All designs in the file are saved in
the new location.