Appendix A Menus and Commands
© National Instruments Corporation A-11 NI Ultiboard User Manual
Use to place a trace between two selected points. Refer to the Placing a
Trace: Follow-me Method section of Chapter 5, Working with Traces and
Copper, for more information.
Place»Connection Machine
Use to place a trace between two pads. Refer to the Placing a Trace:
Connection Machine Method section of Chapter 5, Working with Traces
and Copper, for more information.
Use to place shapes of different types:
Ellipse—Use to place an ellipse.
Rounded Rectangle—Use to place a rounded rectangle.
Circle—Use to place a circle.
Pie—Use to place a pie shape.
Rectangle—Use to place a rectangle.
Polygon—Use to place a polygon.
Refer to the Placing Shapes and Graphics section of Chapter 4, Working
with Parts, for more information.
Use to place different dimension types:
Standard—Use to place a standard dimension (a dimension to be
placed at an angle).
Horizontal—Use to place a horizontal dimension.
Vertical—Use to place a vertical dimension.
Refer to the Placing Dimensions of Chapter 4, Working with Parts, for
more information.
Use to place a line or a trace, depending on the active layer. Refer to the
Placing Shapes and Graphics section of Chapter 4, Working with Parts,
and the Placing a Trace: Manual Method section of Chapter 5, Working
with Traces and Copper, for more information.