Appendix A Menus and Commands
© National Instruments Corporation A-3 NI Ultiboard User Manual
File»Print Setup
Sets up the printing paramaters required to print the Ultiboard design file.
Refer to the Printing your Design section of Chapter 8, Preparing for
Manufacturing/Assembly, for more information. This is found in the
3D view only.
File»Print Preview
Lets you preview the design file before printing. Refer to the Printing your
Design section of Chapter 8, Preparing for Manufacturing/Assembly, for
more information. This is found in the 3D view only.
Prints the Ultiboard design file. Refer to the Printing your Design section
of Chapter 8, Preparing for Manufacturing/Assembly, for more
File»Recent Designs
Displays a list of the most-recently-opened projects. Click on the desired
item in the list to open it.
Exits Ultiboard. You are prompted to save any unsaved design files and/or
Edit Menu The subjects in this section describe the commands found in the Edit menu.
Undoes your most recent action (for example, undoes the last part move).
The command name changes to reflect what will be undone.
Redoes your most recent “undo” action. The command name changes to
reflect what will be redone.