© National Instruments Corporation A-1 NI Ultiboard User Manual

Menus and Commands

The following sections contain brief descriptions for the commands in the
Ultiboard menus.
Some of the described menu items may not be available in your edition of
Ultiboard. Refer to the NI Circuit Design Suite Release Notes for a list of
the features in your edition.

File Menu

The subjects in this section describe the commands found in the File menu.
File»New Design
Creates a new design (if a project is open) or project (if no project is open).
Refer to the About Designs and Projects section of Chapter 2, Beginning a
Design, for more information.
File»New Project
Creates a new project. Refer to the About Designs and Projects section of
Chapter 2, Beginning a Design, for more information.
Opens an existing project and/or design file. Refer to the Opening an
Existing File section of Chapter 2, Beginning a Design, for more
File»Open Samples
Displays the samples folder.
Saves the current design file and project.