Chapter 9 Viewing Designs in 3D
NI Ultiboard User Manual 9-6
Exporting to 3D IGES3D IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is a file format for the
exchange of CAD information (both 2D and 3D). A 3D IGES file contains
surface information and details of a part.
Complete the following steps to export a design’s 3D IGES properties:
1. Select File»Export to display the Export dialog box.
2. Highlight 3D IGES and click Properties. The IGES export settings
dialog box appears.
3. Select the desired param eters to export and click OK. You are returned
to the Export dialog box.
4. Click Export. A standard Windows Save dialog appears.
5. Selected the desired filepath and enter the 3D IGES filename (the file
extension must be .igs).
6. Click Save.