Chapter 4 Working with Parts
© National Instruments Corporation 4-45 NI Ultiboard User Manual
Adding Parts using the Database Manager
Complete the following steps to add parts from the design to the database
using the Database Manager:
1. In the Database panel, select the category (within th e User or
Corporate Database) you want to add the part to.
2. Click the Add button above the Database panel. The Add new parts
to database dialog box appears.
If you selected one or more parts on the design before opening the
Database Manager, the Current selection as one part option is
selected at the top of the dialog box.
Otherwise, the Complete design contents option is selected. The
dialog box lists the parts in the design along with a preview of each.
3. Select the desired Target Database (where the parts will be saved).
4. Select the part(s) to be added.
To select all parts, click the Select All Items button
(or press <Ctrl-A>).
To deselect all parts, click the Unselect All Items button.
5. To rename a part, highlight it and click the Rename button. The part
name must be unique regardless of the database category you want to
place it in.
6. Click OK to add the part(s) to the database.
Adding Parts using the Add Selection to Database Command
To add a part to the database using the Add Selection to Database
1. In the design, select the part to be added. You can also select multiple
parts that will be added as a group.
2. Choose Tools»Database»Add Selection to Database. The Insert the
Selected Items into the Database dialog box opens, with the part
illustrated in the Preview panel, and the part’s name in the
Existing parts field (unless multiple parts were selected).
3. If necessary, enter or edit the part’s name. The part name must be
unique for the selected database, regardless of the category it will be
stored in.
4. Select the database category or sub-category where the selected part is
to be kept.
5. Click OK.