Chapter 5 Working with Traces and Copper
NI Ultiboard User Manual 5-6 ni.com
3. Move the cursor toward the bus’s destination pins and double-click to
complete copper placement.
Density bars use color to indicate the density of pins and pads at
cross-sections of your board. The higher their density at any given
cross-section, the more difficulty you will have routing traces through that
section of the board and the more copper is used in that area. When placing
parts you should strive to achieve relatively equal density distributions to
avoid difficult-to-route areas.
As the design’s pin/pad density gets heavier, the color of the density bars
changes from green to red.
When you start Ultiboard, the density bars are toggled off by default. If you
toggle the density bars on, they appear on the right side and underneath the
To toggle the density bars on, or off again, choose View»Density Bars.