Chapter 4 Working with Parts
NI Ultiboard User Manual 4-34 ni.com
Searching For and Replacing PartsUltiboard allows you to search for parts in two ways:
• Searching for parts in open designs. This method tells you if a specific
part exists in all of the designs that are currently open.
• Locating a part in a design. This method finds a specific part in the
design where you are currently working, and zooms in on the part.
You can also replace a part with one from the database.
Searching for Parts in Open Designs
To find out if a part exists in the open designs, you can search for it with
the Edit»Find command. While this command works much like a Find
function in other applications, it also allows you to search for a part by
name, number, shape, value, or by all variables.
Complete the following steps to find out if a part exists in the open designs:
1. Choose Edit»Find. The Find dialog box opens.
2. Enter your search criteria from the selection below:
•Find what—Enter all or part of the a RefDes, or variables that
define parts: name, number, shape, or value.
•Find special—Select one of ALL TAGS, NUMBER, REFDES,
•Match case.
•Match whole word only.
3. Click Find. The search results appear in the Results tab of the
Speadsheet View.
4. Double-click an item in the Results tab of the Spreadsheet View to
zoom in and display that item in the workspace.
Locating a Part in a Design
To help you find specific parts in the open design, use the Parts tab.
Complete the following steps to find a part in the design:
1. Click the Parts tab in th e Spreadsheet View.
2. Click the part in the list.
3. Click the Find and Select the Part button above the list of parts. The
view zooms in on the part, which appears selected.