Chapter 7 Autorouting and Autoplacement
© National Instruments Corporation 7-15 NI Ultiboard User Manual
Distance-2 (2 Grid) Cost Factor—Controls the use of channels
left by ripped-up traces in the far distance (2 or more grid points,
trace-to-trace). A high value results in infrequent use of these
channels, forcing relatively more global changes during rip-up
and retry routing.
3. Optionally, enable the Memory Cleanup During Routing checkbox
in the Router Housekeeping area to purge the memory of unneeded
4. If you wish to return the values to the default settings for Ultiboard,
click Default.
Caution The Default button sets default values for all tabs in the Routing Options dialog
Routing Options: Optimization Tab
Complete the following steps to set optimizer options:
1. Select the Optimization tab in the Routing Options dialog box.
2. Edit one or both of the fields in the Optimizer area:
Optimizer Passes—Use to set the number of optimizer passes
that are automatically activated after the autorouter achieves
100 percent completion.
Optimization Direction—Select Normal to instruct the
optimizer to ignore layer-specific preferred routing directions to
keep the number of vias to a minimum; Preferred Direction to
instruct the optimizer to consider layer-specific preferred routing
directions. This may increase the number of vias on your board;
45 Degrees to instruct the optimizer to prefer 45 degree routing
where appropriate.
3. Optionally, enable the Memory Cleanup During Optimizing
checkbox in the Optimizer Housekeeping area to purge the memory
of unneeded information.
4. If you wish to return the values to the default settings for Ultiboard,
click Default.
Caution The Default button sets default values for all tabs in the Routing Options dialog