Appendix A Menus and Commands
© National Instruments Corporation A-7 NI Ultiboard User Manual
•Align Top—Aligns the top edges of the selected elements.
•Align Bottom—Aligns the bottom edges of the selected elements.
•Align Center Horizontal—Shifts the selected elements horizontally
so their centers are aligned.
•Align Center Vertical—Shifts the selected elements vertically so
their centers are aligned.
•Align to Coordinate—Displays the Enter coordinate dialog box
where you enter new coordinates for the selected element.
•Space Across—Spaces three or more objects beside each other evenly.
•Space Across Plus—Increases horizontal space between two or more
•Space Across Min—Decreases horizontal space between two or more
•Space Down—Spaces three or more objects above each other evenly.
•Space Down Plus—Increases vertical space between two or more
•Space Down Min—Decreases vertical space between two or more
Edit»Vertex You can add or remove vertices from all polygons, whether copper or
•Add Vertex—Adds a vertex to a polygon segment.
•Remove Vertex—Removse a vertex from a polygon.
Refer to the Editing a Polygon section of Chapter 4, Working with Parts,
for more information.
Edit»In-Place Part Edit Use to edit a part that has already been defined and placed on the board.
Refer to the Editing a Placed Part (In-Place Edit) section of Chapter 4,
Working with Parts, for more information.
Edit»Properties Displays the properties of the selected element. Results will differ,
depending on what is selected. If no element is selected, displays the board
properties. Properties are described throughout this guide.