Chapter 10 Using Mechanical CAD
© National Instruments Corporation 10-5 NI Ultiboard User Manual
9. In the Auto save setting s box:
•Enable auto save—Activates the autosave function. When
activated, you can also change the time between autosaves in the
Time interval (minutes) field.
10. Edit the following as desired:
•Minimum control point size—The size of control points on
vertices and other objects.
•Line width cache size—The number of recently used line widths
Ultiboard keeps in memory. Minimum cache size is 5.
•Unicode Settings box—If desired, enable the Save .TXT files as
plain text checkbox.
•Language—Select the desired language from the list. You must
restart Ultiboard for all dialog boxes to reflect the new setting.
Setting Paths for Mechanical CADThe Ultiboard installation puts specific files in specific locations. If
necessary you can point Ultiboard to a new location.
Complete the following steps to set up file locations for mechanical CAD
1. Choose Options»Global Preferences. The Preferences dialog box
2. From the Preferences dialog box, click the Path s tab.
This tab works the same way as the one for PCB designs. Refer to the
Paths Tab section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for more information.
Setting Mechanical CAD Dimensions Complete the following steps to set mechanical CAD dimensions:
1. Choose Options»Global Preferences. The Preferences dialog box
2. Click the Dimensions tab and set the parameters for dimensions.
This tab works the same way as the Dimensions tab for PCB designs.
Refer to the Dimensions Tab section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for
more information.