Appendix A Menus and Commands
NI Ultiboard User Manual A-14 ni.com
Place»Automatic Test Points
Use to automatically place a test point on each net on your design. Refer to
the Placing Automatic Test Points section of Chapter 7, Autorouting and
Autoplacement, for more information.
Place»Unplace Parts
Use to unplace all non-locked parts. Refer to the Unplacing Parts section
of Chapter 4, Working with Parts, for more information.
Places a comment on the design. Refer to the Placing a Comment section
of Chapter 8, Preparing for Manufacturing/Assembly, for more
Design Menu The subjects in this section describe the commands found in the Design
Design»Netlist & DRC Check
Use to run the design rules and netlist check utility. Results are displayed
in the DRC tab of the Spreadsheet View. Refer to the Spreadsheet View:
DRC Tab section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for more information.
Depending on your settings in the PCB Design tab of the Preferences
dialog box, this utility may run automatically. You can use this command
to force a check of the board's integrity, and may want to use it prior to
saving or exporting the design.
Design»Connectivity Check
Runs a connectivity check on the design.
When this command is selected, the Select a Net dialog box displays.
Select the net on which you wish to run the connectivity check and click
Results are displayed in the Results tab of the Spreadsheet View. Refer to
the Spreadsheet View: Results Tab section of Chapter 1, User Interface, for
more information.