NEC CSD Information Services 8-3
BIOS updates, drivers, and setup disk files to download
contact information, including telephone numbers for Technical Support
and links to vendor websit es
an automated email form for your technical support questions
a Reseller’s area (password accessible).
To access the NEC CSD Home Page, enter the following Internet Uniform
Resource Locator (URL) in your browser:
Email/Fax Technical Support Service
The NEC CSD Technical Support Center offers technical support by email over
the Internet network if you have a modem. The email address is:
You can also fax technical questions to the NEC CSD Technical Support Center
if you have access to a fax machine or fax/modem. The fax number is:
1 (801) 981-3133
When using the email or fax support service, please include one of the following
words in the subject field for prompt response from the appropriate technical
Provide as much specific information in your questions as possible. Also, if
sending a fax, please include your voice telephone number and your fax number
with the question. You will receive a response to your questions within one
business day.
Technical Support Services
NEC CSD also offers direct technical support through its Technical Support
Center. (NEC CSD technical support is for U.S. and Canadian customers only;
international customers should check with their sales pro vider.)