Add New Phone
Position | Enter the phone number from 0 to 139 |
Name | Enter the Speed Dial Name |
Number | Enter the Speed Dial Number |
URL | Enter the URL, VoIP Phone Number, Remote WAN IP Address of VoIP Gateway |
Add Phone | Add the new Phone which you configured |
[Button] |
Reset [Button] | Reset configured items |
Examples: |
Example 1: Position: 0, Name: “test iptel”, Number: 000, URL: test@iptel.org
When the user dials the Number 000, it will dial to the VoIP User test who registers to the SIP Server iptel.org.
Be noted that you need also register to the SIP Server iptel.org. If you register to the different SIP Server, please make sure that the SIP Server allows you dial to iptel.org.
Example 2: Position: 1, Name: “ip address 10.32”, Number: 001, URL:
When the user dials the Number 001, it will dial to the VoIP Device whose IP Address is Example 3: Position: 2, Name: “ip address 10.32 5062”, Number: 002, URL:
When the user dials the Number 002, it will dial to the VoIP Device whose IP Address is with the port 5062.
Example 4: Position: 3, Name: “john”, Number: 003, URL: 88888888
When the user dials the Number 003, it will dial to the VoIP User whose phone number is 88888888.
V110,V2�10P,V2�11,V220� User Guide | YML881Rev1 |
30 | www.netcomm.com.au |