N150 and N300 Wireless Routers
5.Click the Add a new period button.
6.Use the lists, radio buttons, and check boxes to set up a period during which you want to turn off the wireless signal.
7.Click the Apply button.
The Advanced Wireless Settings screen displays.
8.Select the Turn off wireless signal by schedule check box to activate the schedule.
9.Click the Apply button. Your changes are saved.
Set up a Wireless Access List
You can set up a list of computers and wireless devices that are allowed to use WiFi to connect to the router. You must enter the MAC address of each computer or device. When you enable access control, computers and devices that are not in the list cannot connect with WiFi.
To set up a wireless access list and turn on access control:
1.Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the network.
2.Type http://www.routerlogin.net or http://www.routerlogin.com. A login screen displays.
3.Enter the router user name and password.
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and password are
The BASIC Home screen displays.