N150 and N300 Wireless Routers
Back Up Settings
To back up the router’s configuration settings:
1.Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the network.
2.Type http://www.routerlogin.net or http://www.routerlogin.com. A login screen displays.
3.Enter the router user name and password.
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and password are
The BASIC Home screen displays.
4.Select ADVANCED > Administration > Backup Settings.
5.To save a copy of the current settings, click the Back Up button.
6.Choose a location to store the .cfg file on a computer on your network.
7.Click the OK button.
A copy of the current settings is saved.
Restore Configuration Settings
To restore configuration settings that you backed up:
1.Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the network.
2.Type http://www.routerlogin.net or http://www.routerlogin.com. A login screen displays.
3.Enter the router user name and password.
The user name is admin. The default password is password. The user name and password are
The BASIC Home screen displays.
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