When a non-CPU lens is attached
Set exposure mode to Manual with a
C'SO (f- -
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CAUTION: Nikkor lenses/accessories that cannot be attached to the N65/N65QD
The following Nikkor lenses/accessories cannot be attached to the N6S/N6SQD (otherwise camera body or lens may be damaged):
•400mm f/4.S , 600mm f/S .6 , SOOmm f/S and 1200mm f/11 with Focusing Unit
•Fisheye 6mm f/S.6, 7.Smm f/S .6 , Smm tiS and OP 10mm f/S.6
•Old type 21mm f/4
•K1, K2 Ring, Auto Extension Ring
•SOmm f/2 .S, 200mm f/3 .S and
•PC 2Smm f/4 (No. 1S0900 or smaller)
•PC 3Smm f/2 .S (No.
•Old type PC 3Smm f/3 .S
•Old type Reflex 1000mm f/6 .3
•Reflex 1OOOmm f/11 (No.
•Reflex 2000mm f/11 (No.