Pictmotion by muvee

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Other Options for Pictmotion Movies

Pressing m in the Pictmotion screen (c 65, step 2) displays the Pictmotion settings menu, while pressing it in the save confirmation dialog (c 65, step 4) displays the change settings menu. The following options are available.

Pictmotion settings



Change settings













Background music



Background music
























Repeat photos




Repeat photos



10 pictures


















Background Music

Choose from five preset music tracks and five user-defined tracks. Preset music tracks include [High-speed], [Emotional], [Natural], [Up-tempo], and [Relaxed].

Preset tracks can be played back by pressing the zoom control to v (k). User-defined tracks cannot be played back.

Music tracks from a computer will be added to the user-defined track list. Names of the tracks are displayed in the list only when transferred from a computer.


Choose from [Motion], [Moody], [Pro-slow], [Pro-fast], and [Classic].

Press the zoom control to v(k) to preview selected style on the left side of the monitor.

Playback Order


Play back pictures in random order.

Play in order:

Play back pictures in order recorded.



Repeat music:

Repeat background track until all pictures have been


played at least once (some pictures may be repeated).

Repeat photos:

Play background track once, repeating or omitting


pictures as necessary.

In some cases, pictures may be shown repeatedly regardless of the setting.

Selected Images

This option can only be set from the Pictmotion settings menu.

Choose from 10, 20, 30 or [No auto select].

For example, if [20 pictures] is selected, the last 20 pictures are chosen for the Pictmotion movie. This number can be changed, however, when creating a customized Pictmotion movie. When [Confirm] is selected in picture selection screen (c 66, step 1), the number of pictures chosen in step 4 will be used.