Assist Modes

B Portrait Assist

Use this mode for portraits in which the main subject stands out clearly. Portrait subjects exhibit smooth, natural-looking skin tones.


Camera focuses on subject in the center of the monitor. No guides are displayed in the monitor.

NPortrait left

Compose shot with subject in left half of frame. Camera focuses on subject inside the framing guides.

OPortrait right

Compose shot with subject in the right half of frame. Camera focuses on sub- ject inside the framing guides.

PPortrait close-up

Compose shot with subject’s face in top half of frame. Camera focuses on face inside the framing guides.

QPortrait couple

Compose shot with two subjects side-by-side. Camera focuses on subjects inside the framing guides.

CPortrait figure

Compose shot in “tall” orientation. Camera focuses on subject inside the framing guides. Pictures taken in “tall” orientation are displayed in the same “tall” orientation in the monitor.

C A1 H Off1 F Off u Off2

1Other settings can be selected.

2AF-assist illumination is automatically enabled for [Portrait].

ku (AF-Assist Illumination)

Mode Scene Mode, Shooting sensitivity-High - Scene the for Suited Shooting

u stands for the AF-assist illumination, which has two options; [Auto] and [Off] (c 123).


Even when set to [Auto], the u indicator will not be displayed in the monitor.