Taking Photographs—Focus
Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area.
Focus will remain locked while shutter-release button
is pressed half way.
Use with static sub jects when
time is avail able to com pose
pho to.
Camera continues to focus on subject in selected
focus area while shutter-release button is pressed
Use with moving subjects that
can be continuously framed
in single focus area.
Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area. If
sub ject moves before cam era has focused, camera
will focus based on in for ma tion from other focus
areas. Fo cus will remain locked while shut ter-re lease
but ton is pressed half way.
Use with static sub jects when
time is avail able to com pose
As above, except camera automatically selects focus
area containing subject closest to camera from group
of focus areas selected by user.
Use when sure of subject’s
place in overall composition
but unsure of its exact posi-
As above, except that focus area con tain ing sub ject
closest to camera is selected from all eleven focus
Use when sure that sub ject
will be clos est ob ject to cam-
era but un sure where it will
ap pear in fi nal com po si tion.
Camera focuses on subject in selected focus area.
While shutter-release button is pressed halfway, cam-
era tracks sub ject as it moves from one fo cus area to
the next.
Use with subjects that are
moving unpredictably.
As above, except camera automatically selects focus
area containing subject closest to camera from group
of focus areas selected by user.
Use when sure of moving
subject’s place in overall
composition but unsure of its
exact position.
As above, except that focus area con tain ing sub ject
closest to camera is selected from all eleven focus
Use with erratically mov ing
sub jects when you know
sub ject will be clos est ob ject
to camera.
How it works When to use it