Taking Photographs—Exposure


Controlling How the Camera Sets Exposure


Three metering method are available to determine how the camera sets exposure. Before shooting, press the metering selector lock button and rotate the metering selector to choose a method suited to the composition and lighting conditions, and confirm your selection in the viewfinder.






Metering is performed by 1,005-pixel RGB sensor, which sets exposure


based on variety of information from all areas of frame. This system dem-


onstrates its effectiveness most dramatically where bright (white or yellow)


or dark (black or dark green) colors occupy large area of frame, when its


results approach what is seen by human eyes. 3D color matrix metering,

3D color

which uses range information from lens in adjusting exposure, is available


only with type G or D lenses. Color matrix metering, which does not in-

clude range information, is available with other CPU lenses or when focal


length and maximum aperture of non-CPU lens are specified using Non-



CPU lens data item in shooting menu (


124; center-weighted metering


is used if focal length or aperture is not

specified). Matrix metering will


not produce desired results with autoexposure lock (


95) or exposure


compensation (


97), but is recommended in most






other situations.


Camera meters entire frame but assigns greatest weight to area in center


of frame 8 mm (0.31˝) in diameter, shown by corresponding 8-mm refer-

ence circle in viewfinder. Classic meter for portraits; recommended when


using filters with an exposure factor (filter factor) over 1 × (




Camera meters circle 3 mm (0.12˝) in diameter (approximately 2% of


frame). Circle is centered on current focus area (in group dynamic AF, on


center focus area of current group;


76), making it possible to meter


off-center subjects (if non-CPU lens


used or if dynamic-area AF with

closest subject priority is in effect, camera will meter center focus area).

Ensures that subject will be correctly exposed, even when background is much brighter or darker.*

*For improved precision with non-CPU lenses, specify lens focal length and maximum aperture in Non-CPU lens data menu (124).

b6—Center Weight (185)

This option controls the size of the area assigned the greatest weight in center- weighted metering.


Page 96
Image 96
Nikon D2H manual Metering, Controlling How the Camera Sets Exposure, Taking Photographs-Exposure, B6-Center Weight