In Auto Multi-Program mode
If H : appears, background may be overexposed. To give the background a correct exposure, reset to an exposure mode that lets you choose a faster shutter speed and/or a smaller aperture.
If shutter speed indicator shows 6D, backgound may underexposed.To extend the automatically controlled shutter speed range, set the camera to the Slow Sync mode (p.121), or switch to another exposure mode that lets you choose a slower shutter speed and/or a wider aperture.
In the Slow Sync or
In Shutter-Priority Auto exposure mode
If H I appears, background may be overexposed. To give the background a correct exposure, set a higher shutter speed . If H : remains with a shutter speed of 1/250 sec., background will be overexposed without automatic fiash output level compensation.
If electronic analog dispaly indicages "- (minus)" value, background may be underexposed. To give the background a correct exposure, set a slower shutter speed. If electronic analog display remains with a shutter speed of 30 sec. , the background will be underexposed unless fiash output level is compensated.
In Aperture-Priority Auto exposure mode
If H : appears, background may be overexposed . To give the background a correct exposure, set a smaller aperture. If H : remains with the lens set to minimum aperture, background will be overexposed unless flash output level is compensated .
If electronic analog dispaly indicates "- (minus)" value, background may be underexposed. To give the background a correct exposure, set a wider aperture or set Slow Sync to extend the automatically controlled shutter speed range. If the electronic analog display remains with the lens set to maximum aperture, the background will come out underexposed unless flash output level is compensated .
In the Slow Sync or
In Manual exposure mode
If electronic analog display indicates "+ (plus)" or "- (minus) " values, backgound may be over- or underexposued. To give the backgound a correct exposure, adjust shutter speed/aperture.
If electronic analog display indicating