Moving subject is expected to be in focus
With a moving subject: Lightly press the shutter release button. Focus Tracking is automatically activated with ~ • indication in the viewfinder. As soon as the subject is expected to be in focus, ~•• appears, indicating that you can release shutter. If subject stops and . appears without ~ . , focus is locked. If subject moves again, remove your finger from the shutter release button and lightly press it again to start autofocus with Focus Tracking.
, I I I ~
- ~ • - If ~ • blinks in the viewfinder: Autofocus is not
~ I I I' possible (p. 44).
•Single Servo AF with
•After shooting with the film advance mode selector set at III, you do not have to remove your finger from the shutter release button for the next shot. Slightly lift your finger from the button (but maintaining the button in the
With film advance mode set at I;5!!JH or I;5!!J L, camera detects focus every time the shutter is released.
•With a moving subject, depending on subject status and lens in use, slightly