IMPORTANT! Enabling the LIMITER on a specific output also changes the way in which the level is displayed on the corresponding LED ladder: In fact, the level shown on this ladder is no longer the "absolute" output level, but the level of the signal at
This menu comprises a series of submenus that allow to set a series of system options and access certain utilities, such as the control of the Multimedia Memory CARD or protection against accidental or unauthorized changes:
Ganging | Input Ganging |
| Output Ganging |
Units | Delay Unit |
| Lim. Thresh. Unit |
| Temperature Unit |
Misc. Setup | Input Select |
| Output Meters |
| Temperature |
| Wake Up |
| LCD Contrast |
Lock | Lock |
Memory Card | Format Card |
Comm.Setup | Preset Change RX |
| ID Select |
Ganging | Input Ganging |
| Output Ganging |
This submenu allows to group together the treatment of similar inputs and/or outputs.
Similar is intended as meaning elements which have the same properties and/or the same structure.
For example, the right and left sections of a stereo system are similar, as they are made up symmetrically of the same quantity and type of elements (the same components for High, Mid and Low frequencies).