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Feeling Check
To check how compatible you and your friend are, tap the
“BEGIN CHECK” button and connect to each other using
Infrared Connection. After completing the Rhythm Check
and Sync Check, connect to each other once more using
Infrared Connection, and your compatibility score will be
displayed. Select “RANKING” to display the results of your
top 30 Feeling Checks.
Friend Codes
Use Infrared Connection to exchange Friend Codes and register friends to your Pal Pad.
You can also connect with registered friends to update their information.
Note: You can register up to 32 Friend Codes.
Note: If you exchange Friend Codes with someone who has not yet used Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection,
that person’s Friend Code will only be temporary. If that person then uses Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
and receives an official Friend Code, when you again exchange Friend Codes using Infrared Connection,
that person may end up registered to your Pal Pad under two different Friend Codes.
SurveY rAdAr
Tap on the C-Gear to open the Survey Radar. The Survey
Radar uses Tag Mode to automatically gather other players’
opinions on the questions you selected in the “SELECT A
SURVEY” menu. Select “CHECK SURVEY RESULTS” to view
the results.
Note: At first, there is only one type of Survey available. After you join
“Passerby Analytics” and receive questionnaire sheets, you will be able
to choose different surveys in the “SELECT A SURVEY” menu.
Passerby Analytics
Passerby Analytics has its headquarters in Castelia City and
is recruiting new statisticians. Become a statistician and
accept Survey Requests from the leader. Select the requested
Passerby Survey on the Survey Radar, and gather data from
the required number of people in a head-count survey or
gather data at the required time in a timed survey. Report the
results of your survey to the leader and receive compensation
for your efforts.
dS wireleSS CommuniCAtionS
Use DS Wireless Communications to access the Xtransceiver
(see page 33) and Entralink (see page 34). The following
information about nearby DS Wireless Communications in
progress is displayed on the Touch Screen.
How many players are in the Union Room (see page 38)
If any Mystery Gifts (see page 13) are being distributed
via DS Wireless Communications
If any nearby players have the C-Gear turned on