Navigate pages
Mini Map and page overview help you navigate web pages that contain a large amount of information. When Mini Map is set on in the browser settings and you scroll through a large web page, Mini Map opens and shows an overview of the web page you browse.
To set Mini Map on, select Options > Settings > General > Mini map > On.
To move in Mini Map, scroll left, right, up, or down. When you find the desired location, stop scrolling. Mini Map disappears and leaves you at the selected location.
When you are browsing a web page that contains a large amount of information, you can also use Page overview to view what kind of information the page contains.
To show the page overview of the current page, press 8. To find the desired spot on the page, scroll up, down, left, or right. Press 8 again to zoom in and view the desired section of the page.
Web feeds and blogs
Web feeds are xml files on web pages that are used by the weblog community and news organisations to share the latest headlines or text, for example,
news feeds. Blogs or weblogs are web diaries. Most | browser | ||
of the web feeds use RSS and Atom technologies. It | |||
is common to find web feeds on web, blog, and wiki |
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pages. |
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The Web application automatically detects if a web | Web | ||
page contains web feeds. | |||
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To subscribe to a web feed, select Options > |
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Subscribe to web feeds. |
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To view the web feeds to which you have |
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subscribed, in the bookmarks view, select Web |
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feeds. |
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To update a web feed, select it and Options > |
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Refresh. |
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To define how the web feeds are updated, select |
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Options > Settings | > Web feeds. |
Your device supports widgets. Widgets are small, downloadable web applications that deliver multimedia, news feeds, and other information, such as weather reports, to your device. Installed widgets appear as separate applications in the Applications folder.
You can download widgets using the Download! application or from the web.