manager shows the tags currently in use and the number of items associated with each tag.
To open Tag manager, select an image or video clip and select Options > Details > Tag manager. To create a tag, select Options > New tag.
To view the list in most frequently used order, select Options > Most used.
To view the list in alphabetical order, select Options > Alphabetical.
To see the tags you have created, select Tags in the Photos main view. The size of the tag name corresponds to the number of items the tag is assigned to. Select a tag to view all the images associated with the tag.
To assign a tag to an image, select an image and select Options > Add tags.
To remove an image from a tag, open a tag and select Options > Remove from tag.
Slide show
To view your images as a slide show, select an image and Options > Slide show > Start > Play forwards or Play backwards to start the slide show. The slide show starts from the selected file.
To view only the selected images as a slide show, select Options > Mark/Unmark > Mark to mark images, and Options > Slide show > Start > Play forwards or Play backwards to start the slide show.
Select from the following:
●Continue — to resume the slide show, if paused
●End — to close the slide show
To browse the images, scroll left or right.
Before starting the slide show, adjust the slide show settings. Select Options > Slide show > Settings, and from the following:
●Music — to add sound to the slide show.
●Song — to select a music file from the list
●Delay between slides — to adjust the tempo of the slide show
●Transition — to make the slide show move smoothly from one slide to another, and zoom in and out in the images randomly
To adjust the volume during the slide show, use the volume key in your device.
TV-out mode
To view the captured images and video clips on a compatible TV, use a Nokia Video Connectivity Cable.