Internet calls
switch the device from the number mode to the letter mode. Enter the internet address, and press the call key.
Blocked contacts
Blocked contacts are prevented from seeing your online status.
To add contacts to your blocked contacts list, select the contact and Options > Block contact.
To unblock a contact, scroll to it, and select Options > Unblock. When you unblock a contact, you allow the contact to see your online status. To see your blocked contacts, open Contacts. Scroll to the internet calls tab, and select Options > View blocked list.
Manage internet call services
To view or edit internet communication settings, select Connectivity > Net settings and from the following:
●Add new service — to add a new internet call service
●Advanced settings — to view or edit advanced call settings
Internet call settings
To view or edit internet call settings, select Options > Contacts. Scroll to the internet calls tab, and select Options > Settings .
Select from the following:
●Service connectivity — Select the destination settings for internet call connectivity, and edit destination details.
To change a destination, scroll to the service, and select Change.
●Availability requests — Select whether to automatically accept all incoming presence requests without a confirmation query.
●Service information — To view technical information about the selected service.
●Advanced settings — Set advanced settings for the service, such as security settings.