C o n t a c t s
6. Contacts
The contacts list can hold up to 500 contacts with multiple numbers and text notes for each contact. The amount of numbers and text entries that you can save may vary, depending on length and the total number of entries in the contacts list.
In the standby mode, select Menu > Contacts and from the following options:
Delete all
To quickly access your contacts scroll up or down while in the standby mode.
■View contacts
In the standby mode, select Menu > Contacts > Names, or press the Names key. While viewing your contact list, you can select Details for the contact information or Options and one of the following:
Add new
To make a call, scroll to a phone number for a contact, and select Call.
■Search contacts
In the standby mode, select Menu > Contacts > Names > Options > Search. Enter the first character of the contact name, and scroll to the contact you wish to view.
If the right selection key on your phone is Names, you can select Names > Options > Search in the standby mode.