Nokia M10 User’s Manual
Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy NTC C33539002SE_A0
DMT (ADSL) setting
This setting is used to define the lowest level format in which the data
is transmitted through the ADSL line. As default the data is transmitted
in ATM cells to interoperate with the Nokia Eksos B DSLAM.
Normally you do not have to change this value.
Command Set data transmission mode over ADSL line
Description Specifies the mode used for data transmission over the
M10 ADSL line.
Syntax set dmt encap [hdlc | ppp | cell]
Arguments cell must be selected for ATM over ADSL applica-
tions. For frame based applications either hdlc (uses
simple HDLC framing on ADSL line) or ppp (uses point-
to-point protocol on the ADSL line) must be selected.
Example m10> set dmt encap cell