Nokia M10 User’s Manual
E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy NTC C33539002SE_A0
Here the configuration is done using the command line interface (CLI)
through the console port of Nokia M10. A special cable is needed, type
designation E64320.01.
Step 1: Connect cables
DConnect the mains power cord to your M10 and the other end to the
power outlet.
DConnect the M10 console cable to the console port behind the
hatch in the front panel of your M10. Connect the other end of the
cable to the serial port of your PC/terminal.
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Figure 4-3 Location of the console port
DTurn on your Nokia M10. The green status indicator and the red
DSL indicator light up.
Step 2: Turn on your PC and start the terminal software
Set the following terminal software parameters: 9600, 8 bits, no parity,
1 stop bit, no flow control.
Press enter in the terminal window. The Nokia command line interface
prompt will be displayed.
Step 3: Configure the M10
The configurations given here assume that the unit uses its default
configurations and the changes are done on top of the default