Nokia M10 User’s Manual
Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy NTC C33539002SE_A0
Command Show M10 information
Description Displays current status of a Nokia M10, the device’s
hardware and software revision levels, a summary of
errors encountered, and the length of time the Nokia
M10 has been running since it was last restarted.
Syntax show status
Arguments None.
Example M10> show status
Terminal shell v1.0
M10 multiport ADSL router/bridge
Running Nokia M10 software version 5.0.0
(build D35)
Software built by alan on Fri Nov 13
14:02:16 EST 1998
(completed login: admin level)
Serial number J984001344, CPU MPC860,
firmware 2.2
Product ID T66160.09 0
Error logger message counts:
Low 0, Medium 0, High 61, Warning 26,
Lost 0, Total 87
Boot state: running in dram
Uptime 00:00:12:25
Command Open telnet session
Description Opens a telnet session to a remote host
Syntax telnet [host] {port}
Arguments host is the IP address of the remote host. Optional
argument indicates the port of the remote host.
Example M10> telnet
Command Show users
Description Displays the names and hostnames of the current shell
Syntax who
Arguments None
Example M10> who