E Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy
NTC C33539002SE_A0 5-41
Config prompt
You reach the configuration mode of the M10 CLI by typing config at
the Root prompt. When you are in Config mode, the CLI prompt
consists of the name of your M10 followed by your current node in the
hierarchy and two angle brackets (>>). For example, when you enter
Config mode (by typing config at the Root prompt), the M10
(top)>> prompt reminds you that you are at the top of the Config
hierarchy. If you move to the ip node in the Config hierarchy (by
ip at the Config prompt), the prompt changes to M10 (ip)>> to
identify your current location.
Navigating the Config hierarchy
You start at the top when you enter Config mode. The command line
interface reminds you of your location by showing your current node
after the M10 name:
M10 (top)>>
DMoving from Config to Root
You can navigate from anywhere in the Config hierarchy back to
the Root level by entering the quit command at the Config
command prompt and pressing Enter.
M10 (top)>> quit
DMoving from top to a subnode
You can navigate from the top node to a subnode by entering the
node name (or the significant letters of the node name) at the
Config prompt and pressing Enter. For example, you move to the
ip subnode by entering ip and pressing Enter.
M10 (top)>> ip
M10 (ip)>>
As a shortcut, you can enter the significant letters of the node in
place of the full node name at the Config prompt. The significant
characters of a node name are the letters that uniquely identify the
node. For example, only the atm Config node starts with a, you
could enter one letter (”a”) to move to the atm node.
M10 (top)>> a
M10 (atm)>>