Nokia M10 User’s Manual
Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy NTC C33539002SE_A0
Command Set password
Description Specifies the administrator, user-administrator, or user
password for a Nokia M10. When you enter the set
system password command, you are prompted to
repeat the new password to verify that you entered it
correctly the first time. To prevent anyone from observ-
ing the password you enter, characters in the old and
new passwords are not displayed as you type them. A
password can be as many as eight alphanumeric char-
acters. Passwords are case-sensitive and cannot in-
clude special characters or leading, trailing, or em-
bedded spaces. For example, if you assign a password
of “NokiA” to an M10, you could not enter “NOKIA”,
“nokia”, “Nokia”, or “Nokia “ (with a trailing space) as an
acceptable password.
Syntax set system password [admin | user-admin | user]
Arguments Arguments admin, user-admin and user specify
whether administrator, user-administrator or user pass-
word will be set. User password gives only viewing
rights. User-admin password gives rights to change
PAP and CHAP usernames and passwords and confi-
gure pinhole settings. You must set an admin password
before you can set user or user-admin passwords.
Example m10> set system password admin *****
Note An administrator or user password goes into effect
immediately. Y ou do not have to restart the M10 for the
password to take effect. Assigning an administrator or
user password to M10 does not affect communications
through the device.