Nokia M10 User’s Manual
Copyright Nokia Telecommunications Oy NTC C33539002SE_A0
Command Enable/disable PAP peer authentication
Description Enables/disables PAP authentication for a connection
to a PPP peer on the specified ATM link.
Syntax set ppp module {vccx} peer-authentication pap-option
Arguments The first argument identifies the ATM channel (vccx, x =
1 ... 8). The second argument enables/disables PAP
peer authentication.
Example m10> set ppp module vcc2 peer-authentica-
tion pap-option on
Command Set host name for an authorised PPP peer
Description Specifies the host name for an authorised PPP peer.
Syntax set ppp peer-database peer-name [host_name]
Arguments The host_name argument consists of 1 - 32 alpha-
numeric characters. The information you enter must
match the username that will be received from the re-
mote PPP peer when being authenticated.
Example m10> set ppp peer-database peer-name host
Command Set CHAP secret associated with PPP peer
Description Specifies the secret associated with a PPP peer.
Syntax set ppp peer-database peer-name [host_name] chap-
secret [secret]
Arguments The secret argument consists of 1 - 32 alphanumeric
characters. The information you enter must match the
secret that will be received from the remote PPP peer
when being authenticated.
Example set ppp peer-database peer-name host
chap-secret mypassword