Ending a conference 47
Ending a conference
When you end a conference, you remove yourself from the conference and let the other two callers to continue to talk to each other. While the other callers are talking to each other they are still using two of your telephone lines.
If you want to end the conference and disconnect both the callers, split the conference and end each of the calls.
Ending a conference using the release button
To end a conference:
1.Click the icon of one of the conference calls in the Conference box.
2.In the Conference box, click .
Ending a conference using the main window
To end a conference:
The conference ends.
Ending a conference using the keyboard
To end a conference:
1.Click one of the icons in the Conference box.
2.Press the Delete key on your PC keyboard. The conference ends.
Note: When you use the keyboard to end a call, make sure you click one of the icons in the Conference Box before you press the Delete key. If you do not and a contact in the Address Book is highlighted, the contact is deleted. To retrieve a contact that is accidentally deleted, click the Edit menu and then click Undo.
Ending a conference using the task tray or Calls menu
To end a conference:
1.Click the Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager task tray icon or Calls menu and then point to the icon of one of the calls in the conference.
2.Click Release Conf. The conference ends.
P0908542 Issue 01 | Enterprise Edge Personal Call Manager User Guide |