Call Display services 5
Call Display information allows you to answer calls on a
priority basis. For example:
.If several calls are alerting at your telephone at the same
time, you can request information about the calls to
decide which one may be more important.
.If you are already on a call, information about a second
call starting to alert at your telephone can help you to
decide whether to answer the second call or remain
connected to the first call.
.If you are in a meeting, the information associated with
an incoming call can help you determine if the call is
important enough to interrupt the meeting.
.If you have several calls on hold and wish to identify the
callers, you can view the Call Display information
associated with each of the calls to help you determine
which one you will respond to first.
Programming tips
In order for the designated telephone to automatically receive
Call Display information, it must be programmed to ring for
incoming calls on that line.
Before programming Call Display information you may wish to
consider the following:
which individual would benefit the most from automatically
receiving Call Display information on an alerting line?
how are calls routed and what information is the most
important to know before a call is answered? For instance, if
certain lines are private to individuals, an attendant might
wish to first view the line name to determine who the
incoming call is for.
PO84262701 Owner’s Handbook