Call Display services 3
Call Display services
Some public telephone companies offer Call Display services
which provide information about an incoming call. The caller’s
name, telephone number and in some cases, long distance
indication, can be shown on a telephone with a display. Your
DR5 system uses this information so that you can:
view incoming call information as well as the line
name that receives the call,
keep a log of incoming call information and,
view an integrated display that appears when you have
received a message from either an internal user or a
Voice Mail message from an external caller.
You can access Call Display information only if you
subscribe to the services offered by your public
telephone company. Contact your Customer Service
representative for more information.

Call Display Information

Call Display information may be shown on your telephone
display when you answer an incoming call. In addition to the
caller’s name, telephone number and long distance indicator, if
available, your system can display the name of the line
that received the call.
In the case where several users share a line, only one telephone
can be designated to automatically receive Call Display
information when a call is alerting on that line. If the call is
transferred or camped to another telephone, the Call Display
information is automatically available to that telephone.
If a line is not administered to automatically deliver Call Display
information to a telephone, the user can invoke the Call
Information feature (see Telephone features chapter) or answer
the call to view the information.
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DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook