160 Priority Call
Priority CallIf you get a busy signal when you call someone in your office,
you can interrupt them. If the Do Not Disturb feature is on at the
telephone of the person that you are trying to reach and that
telephone is idle, you can override Do Not Disturb. Use this
feature for urgent calls only.
Wait for a connection, then speak.
A person who receives a Priority Call while on another call has
eight seconds to accept or reject the call. If the person does
nothing, the Priority Call feature puts the active call on Exclusive
Hold and connects your call.
You will see some of these displays while making a Priority Call.
Call blocked I
You tried to place a Priority Call to
another telephone. The
person you called has blocked your
call. Try to call later.
You have tried to make a Priority Call,
but this feature has not been assigned
to your telephone.
You have attempted to use the Priority
Call feature with no ringing or busy
tone on the line. Use Priority Call only
when you hear ringing or a busy
The party you are calling has eight
seconds to decide whether to accept
or reject your Priority Call.
The telephone you are calling is
already in a Priority Call or is unable to
receive Priority Calls.
DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook PO84262701