Access code: A sequence of
characters used to gain entry
into any type of system
A program that
lets one person in your office
assign and maintain certain
settings for the system.
Administration access code:
A code required to access
Administration programming.
You may be asked for an
Administration password.
Administration password:
one to six-digit password that
prevents unauthorized access
to Administration programming.
The Administration password
in Administration programming.
Allow redirect:
A setting in
Administration programming
that enables you to identify
whether a telephone is allowed
access to the Line Redirection
feature. Allow redirect has no
effect if Disconnect Supervision
is unavailable or was not
enabled by your Customer
Service representative.
Analog Terminal Adapter
A device that permits the
connection of analog
telecommunication devices
such as fax machines,
answering machines, and single
line telephones to the
system. Programmed defaults
for the are automatically
assigned by the system.
Answer button:
A telephone
button with an indicator that is
used to monitor another
telephone. The Answer button
indicates incoming calls
destined for the other
telephone. Someone working at
a telephone with Answer
buttons (a receptionist, for
example) can receive all ringing
and visual indication of
incoming calls for other
telephones, and answer those
calls when necessary.
One telephone can have up to
four Answer buttons. An Answer
button is automatically assigned
to a telephone when that
telephone is assigned an
Answer DN.
Answer DN:
A Directory
Number (DN) of a telephone
that is monitored by an Answer
button. Up to four Answer
can be assigned to a telephone
by the Customer Service
PO842627 01
DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook