Answering the telephone
Depending on the setting in Administration Programming and the
external information available, either the caller’s name or
telephone number is displayed. When you transfer an external
call to another user, this information is displayed on the
recipient’s telephone.
There will be a delay between the time your telephone first rings
and when Call Display information is available. If you answer a
call before the Call Display information arrives, that information is
not available for the call. Since Call Display information arrives by
the second ring, you can ensure that Call Display information is
available by answering the call after the second ring.
Related features
Call Pickup
Call Pickup lets you use your telephone to answer a call that is
ringing at someone else’s telephone.
Call Queuing
Call Queuing allows you to choose the call with the highest
priority when you have more than one call ringing at your
Do Not Disturb
If you do not wish to receive calls, turn on Do Not Disturb.
You can answer calls without picking up the receiver using
Prime telephone
A Prime telephone receives calls that go unanswered at other
telephones. For more information, see Special telephones.
Retrieving a Parked Call
You can retrieve a parked call at any telephone in the system.
Voice Call Deny
If you do not wish to receive voice calls, turn on Voice Call Deny.
PO84262701 DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook