Group Listen l-31
Group Listen

Group Listen

You can let people in your office listen in on a call.
Press [Feature]


. You will hear the caller’s voice
through your telephone’s speaker.
Continue to speak to the caller through the telephone
receiver. The caller will not hear people in your office.

Cancel Group Listen

[Feature] q q

You can cancel Group Listen for the current call.
Group Listen is canceled automatically when you hang up the
Group Listen call.
You may see one of these displays with Group Listen.
You have tried to use Group Listen
when you are not on a call.
You have tried to use Group Listen
without picking up the receiver.
Keep the receiver away from the speaker, or you may hear
feedback. The higher the volume, the more the feedback. Press
the button to prevent feedback when hanging up.
You, can switch a Group Listen call to Handsfree by pressing
To switch back to Group Listen, enter the Group
Listen feature code again.
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Owner’s Handbook