Camp timeout:
The length of a
delay before a camped call is
returned to the telephone that
camped the call. This delay is
set by your Customer Service
A section heading
in Administration programming,
that covers the dialing filters, set
abilities, and line abilities that
can be assigned to
lines, telephones, or Class of
Service passwords.
Central Answering Position
(CAP) module:
A CAP module
is connected to an M7324
Telephone and provides 48
additional buttons which can be
used as buttons or
Feature buttons.
Class of Service (COS):
A set of features and
lines available to the user for a
call. The Class of Service for a
call is determined by the Dialing
Filters assigned to the
telephone in Administration
programming. The Class of
Service for a call can be
changed by entering a six-digit
Class of Service password.
Class of Service and Class of
Service passwords are
assigned in Administration
Glossary 209Class of Service password:
six-digit code that lets you
switch from your current Class
of Service to one that lets you
dial numbers prohibited by your
current Class of Service.
A feature that
allows you to establish a
three-person call at your
Conference using Privacy:
feature that allows you to turn
Privacy off for a call allowing
another person with the same
line to press the line button and
join in your conversation,
forming a conference. Normally
your calls are private; no one
else can pick up your line and
join in.
Contrast Adjustment:
feature that allows you to set
the contrast level of your
telephone display.
Control telephone:
telephone that can place the
lines for which it has
responsibility in or out of a
Service Mode. A telephone is
programmed as a Control
telephone and has lines
assigned to it in Administration
COS: See Class of Service.
A short horizontal line
that appears on the
telephone display to indicate
that characters can be entered
using the dial pad.
PO842627 01 Owner’s Handbook