A group of lines
used for making external calls.
Line Pools provide an efficient
way of giving a telephone
access to external lines without
taking up many line buttons. A
line is assigned to a member
of a Line Pool by your Customer
Service representative.
Pool access code:
number that gains access to a
specific Line Pool if you are a
member of that Line Pool. Line
Pool access codes are assigned
by your Customer Service
Line Redirection:
A feature
that allows you to redirect all
external calls on an incoming
line to a destination outside the
system. Once a line is
redirected it cannot be
answered within the
system. The system may be set
up to give a brief ring when a
call comes in on a redirected
line. Line Redirection must be
assigned to your telephone in
Administration programming.
When redirecting an external
call to an external number, the
incoming call must be on a
disconnect supervised line. See
Allow Redirect, Call Forward,
Disconnect Supervision and
Redirect Ring.
Link time:
A specific time delay
that allows access to PBX
features through a
system. Link time is also
referred to as a “Hookswitch
Flash” or “Recall”. Link time is
assigned by your Customer
Service representative.
Logging Options:
A feature
that allows you to select the
type of calls that are stored in
your Call Log. You can choose
to log calls that were not
answered by anyone within the
system, to log calls that were
unanswered at this telephone
but answered elsewhere in the
system, to log all calls answered
and not answered at this
telephone, or to not have calls
automatically logged.
A feature that allows you
to manually log call information
when you are connected to a
Long Tones:
A feature that lets
you control the length of a tone
so that you can signal devices
such as or answering
machines which require tones
longer than the standard 120
M Telephone:
A telephone
that has a one-line display and
one programmable memory
button without an indicator.
PO84262701 DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook