172 System features
The following features and characteristics are associated with the
use of lines.
Disconnect Supervision
Disconnect Supervision is available when an Open Switch
Interval (OSI) message is provided on a line by the public
telephone system.
If Disconnect Supervision is available, your Customer Service
representative assigns Disconnect Supervision to lines in
Configuration programming. When Disconnect Supervision is
assigned to a line, the system monitors the length of the
OSI on that line to determine when an external caller hangs up.
This allows the system to release the line for other uses.
You can determine if a line is disconnect supervised by referring
to the DR5.1 Programming Record.
Line appearance
Any of the lines in your system may appear at any of your
telephones. Your Customer Service representative assigns lines
to telephones in Configuration programming.
Usually, only the lines that are appropriate for a particular person
appear at that person’s telephone. When a line is assigned to a
telephone it is automatically given a line button on that
telephone, if a button is available. The M7100 Telephone has no
line buttons for its lines.
Normally, you cannot answer a call that is ringing on a line that
does not appear on your telephone. To pick up such a call, use
Call Pickup, Call Park, or Transfer.
Hung lines
A line that has been redirected using Line Redirection may
remain busy after a call is over. If this happens, the outgoing line
for the redirection will also remain busy. These are hung lines
and you must clear them.
DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook
PO842627 01