DData Communications
A device that
lets you attach an RS-232 data
device to your system.
Data terminal:
A device, such
as a modem, that can be used
to transfer data instead of sound
over a telephone network. You
cannot use
programming to set up such
devices. See the documentation
that accompanies the device.
See Show Time or Time
and Date.
See Data Communications
The settings for all
features when the
system is first installed. Settings
are changed from their defaults
in Administration programming
and by your Customer Service
representative. In this manual,
default settings are shown in
Delayed Ring Transfer (DRT)
to Prime:
A feature that
transfers an unanswered call on
an external line to the Prime
Telephone associated with that
line after a specified number of
rings. This feature is activated
by your Customer Service
Dialing mode:
The dialing
mode of a line can be either
tone or pulse. Pulse is
traditionally used by rotary dial
telephones. Tone is also
referred to as dual-tone multi
frequency (DTMF) tones. Dial
mode can be programmed by
your Customer Service
Dialing filter:
A feature that
prevents certain telephone
numbers from being dialed
through a combination of
restrictions and exceptions.
Dialing filters can be applied to
telephones (set filters), to lines
(line filters), to specific lines on
a telephone (line/set filters), and
to Class of Service passwords.
The Compact system
can handle up to 25 dialing
A feature that lets
you dial a designated telephone
in your system with a
single digit. The Direct-Dial
telephone is established in
Administration programming.
Telephones are assigned to a
Direct-Dial telephone in
Administration programming.
Direct-Dial number:
A digit
used system wide to call a
Direct-Dial telephone. The digit
is programmed by your
Customer Service
Directed Pickup:
See Call
Pickup Directed.
DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook
PO842627 01