164 Teleohones
Special TelephonesYou can assign several special functions to the telephones in
your system. Except where noted, you do not need
special hardware. A special function is assigned to a telephone
either by your Customer Service representative in Configuration
programming or by you in Administration programming.
Control telephone
The Control telephone lets you place the external lines for which
it has responsibility into and out of Service Modes. See Service
Direct-Dial telephone
You can dial a Direct-Dial telephone with a single digit. The
Direct-Dial telephone is usually in a central location, such as a
receptionist’s or secretary’s desk. It is usually a Prime telephone
with a Central Answering Position (CAP) module.
There may be none or one Direct-Dial telephone in your system.
Each telephone in the system can be assigned to the Direct-Dial
telephone. There is a single Direct-Dial digit for the whole system
that lets each assigned telephone call the Direct-Dial telephone.
Each Direct-Dial telephone can send up to 30 messages
and each can invoke Service Modes to activate the Extra-Dial
telephone. (It cannot activate the entire Service Mode unless it is
also the Control telephone.)
Your Customer Service representative programs the Direct-Dial
digit in Configuration programming. The Direct-Dial telephone is
identified and assigned to telephones in Administration
DR5.1 Owner’s Handbook