222 Glossary

TCM line (Time Compression
Multiplexing line):
A two-wire
digital station loop joining the
cross-connect at the Key
Service Unit to a telephone.
Telephone lock (Set lock):
feature that allows you to limit
the number of features that may
be used or programmed at a
telephone. Full telephone lock
allows very few changes or
features, Partial telephone lock
allows some changes and
features, and No telephone lock
allows any change to be made
and any feature to be used.
Telephone lock is assigned in
Administration programming.
Time and Date:
A display
description. The current time
and date appear on the display
of idle telephones. The
time and date can be changed
in Administration programming.
A feature that lets you
send a call to another telephone
in your system or
external to You can
also create an Unsupervised
Conference to do an external
transfer. When transferring an
external call to an external
number, at least one of the calls
must have been an incoming
call, and that call must be on a
disconnect supervised line. See
Unsupervised Conference and
Disconnect Supervision.
Transfer Callback:
A feature
that returns a transferred call if it
is not answered after a specific
number of rings. The number of
rings is programmed by your
Customer Service
representative. Transfer
Callback does not apply to calls
transferred externally.
A physical connection
between the system
and the outside world using
either the public telephone
system or a private network.
Trunk Answer:
A feature you
can use to answer a call on any
line that has an active Service
Mode, even if that line does not
appear on your telephone.
Trunk Answer is activated in
Administration programming.
Unsupervised Conference:
conference that you have
dropped out of leaving the other
two parties connected. When
both other parties are external
to at least one of the
outside callers must have called
you, and that call must be on a
disconnect supervised line. See
Disconnect Supervision.

Owner’s Handbook PO84262701