Chapter 3 | |
3.2Communicating with the SPAN-CPT System
After the receiver is connected to a computer, antenna and power supply, install the NovAtel PC Utilities (NovAtel Connect and Convert). The installation instructions are in the
3.2.1Use NovAtel Connect to Communicate
NovAtel Connect is a Windows application that provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to set up and monitor the operation of the SPAN system.
Start NovAtel Connect on the computer to enable communication.
1.Launch NovAtel Connect from the Start menu folder specified during the installation process. The default location is Start All Programs NovAtel Connect 1.x.x NovAtel Connect.
2.To define a new connection, select New Connection from the Device menu. The New Connection window appears.
If a connection is already defined, or if connections were imported from a previous version of NovAtel Connect, choose Open Connection and skip to step 9.
3.Enter a name for the connection.
4.Select Serial or USB from the Type drop down list.
5.Select the computer port the
6.If you selected Serial, select 115200 from the Baud Rate drop down list.
7.If you selected Serial, clear the Hardware handshaking check box.
8.Click the OK button to save the new device settings.
9.Select the new configuration from the Available Device Connections area of the Open Connection window.
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